ERP and CRM Implementation

We plan and implement upgraded and revitalized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to integrate enterprise processes and customer-facing activities.  The upgraded or migrated systems enable quick response to the changing business environment and deliver support for new business capabilities and improved value streams

Transform your business with our ERP and CRM implementation services. We empower you to streamline operations, enhance customer relationships, and drive growth through innovative, customized solutions tailored to your needs.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementations and upgrades are one of the most significant challenges to the operations of agile companies of every size, market, and location. Modern ERP and CRM systems offer irresistible applicability and the capability to integrate with many other enterprise systems and business processes. This power makes them the lifeblood of the enterprise and the core of operations. From sales and marketing to supply chain and manufacturing, ERP and CRM systems power the modern enterprise. These facts demonstrate why it is essential to select a team with experience, discipline, and professionalism to plan and manage ERP and CRM system implementations, migrations, and upgrades.

Implementation Planning

When performing crm and erp implementation projects, we start by conducting requirements and technical analysis to develop an implementation plan for the new upgrade, migration, or erp and crm implementation. We perform a gap analysis to identify any missing requirements compared to the desired end state. Next, we build a comprehensive project plan based on our proven templates, including detailed staffing and risk analysis. A key deliverable is a customized dashboard that presents project steps and milestones in an easy-to-understand visual format. We also catalog and model the data sources, mapping out the ETL (extract, transform, load) needed to acquire data securely and perform any complex transformations required to provide the needed data elements. Finally, we plan the secure data acquisition architecture and workflow for the required ETL on that data.

Assessment and Requirements Design

When beginning a crm implementation project, we lead a thorough assessment to characterize the as-is ERP or CRM system and understand the desired future system and intended use cases. This detailed evaluation covers specifics of the system, system data, business processes and workflows, queries and reports, interfaces, and use cases. We also explore security, supporting infrastructure, and any specific shortcomings of the current system. Then we work closely with our client’s business team and stakeholders to develop comprehensive requirements for the CRM upgrade, migration or new crm and erp integration implementation. The requirements gathering process is crucial to ensure we fully understand the client’s needs for the new CRM system and integration with existing ERP systems. Please let me know if you would like me to modify this rewrite in any way. I aimed to naturally incorporate the requested keywords on CRM implementation and CRM/ERP integration.


During a crm implementation project, we follow the detailed project plan and milestones to deliver a successful erp and crm integration. We develop any needed custom code, migrate existing customizations, install and test third-party software components, and build integrations between the new CRM and legacy ERP systems. Throughout the implementation, we continually engage end-users to validate that the solution meets their needs and fulfills the original requirements. This user-centered approach ensures the final CRM implementation delivers the functionality, integrations and user experience required for an impactful business solution.

Data Migration

A key part of any ERP or CRM implementation project is developing and guiding the data migration plan to retain existing production, product, inventory, customer, and other critical data in a form usable for the new system. For CRM implementations, we pay special attention to properly migrating customer data from any legacy CRM or sales systems to avoid losing relationship history and insights. When migrating to a new ERP, we ensure all inventory, supply chain, manufacturing, and financial data is moved to the new system accurately and without loss. A complexity is mapping data from the single source of truth systems of record into the new integrated ERP and CRM solution.